Contact Information

Here you can find the information on how to get in touch with your TA outside of lab.

Only visit the TA offices during your TA’s hours or when you have an appointment. It is disruptive to other TAs who share the office when students show up outside of the predetermined hours.

TA Contacts

NameEmailSectionsOfficeHoursTA Photo
John Castillojcast341@fiu.eduU08, U17AHC1 229Thursdays 4-6
Maraiyah Bakshmbaks007@fiu.eduU10, U11, U16AHC1 229Wednesdays 5-7
Elina Barredoebarr081@fiu.eduU07, U14AHC1 229Wednesdays 3-5
Justin Dalrymple
Head TA
jdalr002@fiu.eduU13AHC1 229Thursdays 3-5
Olayinka Davidodavi022@fiu.eduU01, U09AHC1 229Mondays 12-1,

Wednesdays 11-12
Carlos Marmolejocmarm005@fiu.eduU05, U06AHC1 229Tuesdays 3-5
Silvia Cabalscaba022@fiu.eduU02, U04AHC1 229Mondays 3-5
Chris Clarkcclar134@fiu.eduU03, U12AHC1 229Fridays 10-12